Tell your stories online with full track-change and collaboration. HD Vietnam newsroom Is a more then text base editor, it come with multiple video, graphic, control, scrip management ready for any complex news content. A different workflow can be applied to any individual news depending on the news content. Therefore, the News module is useful not only for the news department but also suitable for any other production department. With the News and Stories module users can start production processes and the needed resources will be easily assign to them on they request using the Equipment and Facilities Management module. As a part of content, the text is linked with multiple video clips, graphic and presentation form. The module also handle printing publish and web publish in same manner. Thanks that, new story no more isolated to TV news production. Same story with different presentation technic can be published to all available destination: Web, Printing, OTT, Broadcast, Radio. Internet feed and feedback are default.

Full production cue can be prepare before go Onair. The newsroom automation will need all the cue information to automate the production in a studio.


Odering information:


The module is whiteboard for users. The right to broadcast info is controlled by the system admin. Software system use the whiteboard to communicate with user. It can supply quick link for user to respond on system request. The module is standard

User management

User and login management with AD integration for more convenience. Possible to have 02 step login with SMS or email confirmation. IP and time access restriction possible. The module is standard

User right management

The module grants the different right for different user. The user right in the system reflect the real live duty in media corporation. The system shows different interface for different user reflecting the user right on the system.  Only the part/ menu / button/ content that available for the present user are displayed. The module is standard

Background Service Control and Monitoring

Efficient tool for control and monitoring background service of system from anywhere. Allow set parameters, switch on, of service, debug and system maintenance from anywhere. Must have module


Must have module for software management system and also the background service. The module orchestrates all module and process in the software system.  It shows present status off all process related to each media/event access. Number of workflows is not limited in the system. You never have to run or stop the workflow since it belongs to class of always run module. The workflow is not applying to people; it applies to content, so it simplified all process in a media corporation. Quick deployment in very complex system is the most attractive feature. The module is standard


Idea, story, content, draft story board registration to the management system. The story management will depend on workflow that the register allows to use, on which genre the story belong to.

Internet feed connection

Allow user to use internet feed as source of story with simple click. The system keep story updated with all interested internet source.

Social media interaction

Control and management of media feed to social network. Different workflow for media management may applied to allow effective way to broadcast the media. Social media view, share, like… management to let manager have some orientation on program attraction for public, the viewer influence, manage trailer of program before it goes broadcast


Highly adapted for news production channel or news program on general purpose channel. Allow quick and modern way of bringing news to TV screen. It needs module PAM to have full access to picture and graphic. Full collaboration with track change online editor for best experience of journalist.


Allow quick creation of rundown base on approved format. Widely available tool to support live production including automated highlight creation, sub rundown…Can use different format for different news program. Rundown can subject to approval, can export to EDL for future processing on Editor for some reporting program. Rundown will be automatically loaded to Ultra-X studio playout for newsroom automation.


Quick arrangement/calculation of pages for printing publishing base on content managed by system. The arrangement later will be directly loaded to publishing editor like InDesign or Quack Express.

Publishing view

View and comment on publishing print for final approval of content and arrangement.


Add scripting to News module, allow programing fully production cue for camera, voice over, graphic, background for each News or rundown. It need Studio Automation or Studio Play software and hardware driver to automate studio production.

Media Asset Management

Manage the completed media products, allow quick and efficient storing, retrieving, searching, commenting, approval…Browsing low-res media is available from anywhere when license Low-res is purchased. The right to change the metadata of each media belong to creator and also can flexibly assign by admin to anyone. Workflow is unique for each media, allow unlimited way of manipulation of accent media in the system.

File ingest

Ingest file by file to descripted metadata. Ability to set house format to let system filtering the unwanted format. Can use different workflow to change the way system react on the ingested file: One file may pass-through the transcoding system before get stored in the storage of system as house media.

Equipment Management

The unique workflow binds the equipment management with media production. Equipment booking, rental status became part of production procedure. Allow checking, booking, renting, return and tracking of equipment in relation to interested story/program. No accepted story means not able to get access of any equipment.

Facility management

Checking, booking, get approval to use facilities


Checking, booking, get approval to use vehicle or hide outside transportation

Production cost and production incentive

Allow manager to evaluate the story/report/program for incentive and tracking/ approval the production cost of each program. The module requires to have production plan with breakdown rated production cost of each genre to functioning. MAM License, Story License, Traffic license, Daily playlist Module license required.

Production Asset Management

Material required for production (most of them are raw clips from cameras) are catalogued with content, genre, project, scene description… and group tag for quick selection on editing time. Low-res option is required for browsing, archiving, and low-res proxy production. Support searching, low-res previewing, marking, commenting, description, scene marking, cue… Automatic scene detection is available with Scene detection service license. Ingest full camera memory stick or folder to working project with folder separation available.

Proxy Cut Editing

EDL proxy editing on web from anywhere. Allow only cut-to-cut editing. Instant share editing result with manager or partner to get approval before fine editing. EDAL can be open by any editing system connected to PAM for finishing

Editor Plug-in for PAM

Working with PAM to extend the capacities of Adobe Premier, Edius.  Plug-in let Editor to search, browse for any scene descripted in PAM. The plug-in controls the editing environment to allow user to work fully complete project on lowers allow resolution-independent editing in low processing power NLE. Project will be rendered finally on highress on request any time. The exported file will be automatically registered to MAM.

Storage Management

Manage NAS storage from web browser. Systematic flush, HMS, User quota management to enforce user use storage economically and preventing system from overload.


 Manage archiving and restore highness from LTO. Module is integrated to booth MAM and PAM for best performance and ease of use. Request archive and restore are executed by background services. The module works with both tape library and tape recorder only. Require Read/write LTO service installed in data pump to work with LTO. Manual library with manual tape inserts and retrieved is possible thank to the GUI of the service to communicate with tape operator. Browse/View content of any material stored in the Archive in any networked PC thanks to the Low-res system


Manage asset log, data change log, action log for security and control

Statistic and analyze Module (on request)

Statistic and Analyze on request, export the result to Excel.

To automated video/text/even processing, some of the following background service can be ordered to make system completed:

Watch folder ingest service

Ingest all video file in watch folder with automated metadata creation. Metadata may come from description or from file name.


Automatic create thumbnail from uploaded video. Manual extraction thumbnail from video in low-res browsing is possible. Can use external picture for representative thumbnail to use with EPG, OTT…


Is a service to create video low-res from uploaded video – ingested video (MAM-PAM). Automatic load balancing, multi thread, unlimited server installation in system.

SMS Gateway

Allow system to communicate with user over SMS. Not included modem and communication subscription. SMS stringer is configured under Workflow on the design time.

Email Gateway

Allow system to communicate with user over email. Email stringer is configured under workflow as part of workflow builder. Mail server not included

Voice Over packaging service

Demux, mux voice-over channel to video. It will add more audio channel to MXF Video

Transcode service

Multi thread, load balancing. Allow configure setting of the number of maximum threads for a system. Not limited the instance installed in the servers to increase the transcode power as a standard version. Mainconcept transcoder is an option.

Third party transcode

Seamless integration of third party codec and transcoding software like Harmonic Procoder, Telestream, Elecard.. into system workflow.

Video merging service

Create long video from sequent of short one. Codec not changed.

Video extracting service

Allow extract marked sub clips from video and download it to desktop to save time and local storage

QC Service

Automatic service to detect freeze frame, black frame, audio loss.

QC Integration Service

Integration of QC server of third party like Tektronix, Baton, Telestream, Elecard… All information is marked for frame and available for revise from lowers browser of MAM/PAM system. Required MAM/PAM to function.

Scene Detection

Automatic recognize scene change and report to MAM/PAM system for quick scene searching and description. Integrate key-frame for scene. Require PAM module


Burn logo or watermarking to video for license protection. Config from workflow.

Closed Caption Packaging

Package Closed Caption to digital video according to CEA and DVB standard for playout on video server.

MXF Wrapper

Wrapping service for MXF file, change the container from MPEG to MXF.

FTP service

Widely use service in system by workflow to transfer media. Auto resume.

UDP transfer Service

Fast file transferring over delayed network service to replace FTP on request Third party UP engine accepted (Aspera, Telecast…) as an option

Multi-level Approval

Service allows building workflow with un-limited check point required intervention of staff or manager.


LTO manager service. Write/read LTFS LTO. Automatic connect with MAM system for archiving service. Automatic transfer file from system storage to Data-pump and write to LTO according to user’s policy. Periodically or full LTO capacity automated archive.  Automatic restore file to system from Data-pump instead from LTO if the file still in Data-pump. Automatic respond to restore request from MAM system and automatic restore files. Configuration of service over service managing system

Prompter text Export

For prompter that do not have MOS option, the service allows quick bring all prompter information from management system to prompter according to the rundown.

Rundown export to third party studio playout

Service do the playlist text/html export


HD Vietnam- Software Defined Broadcast Company